Friday, February 28, 2014

First Date Conversation Tips

If you don’t know much about your date, having a nice friendly chatter over coffee won’t be an easy task. What you would ideally like to do is to keep the conversation jitter free. You would like to make the conversation smooth and interesting and steer clear of that awkward
l silence where your nervous urge to fill those gaps makes you blurt out something really stupid. Here are a few suggestions to get over first date jitters:
What she likes to do for fun
Well you should definitely ask her these questions if you plan to take her out again. Ask her what she likes to do on weekends. Whether she prefers watching movies, dancing, long drives or smoking hookahs in a lounge pub. If you can actually get her turned on about trying out something novel and interesting you can bet that she will start looking towards going for the next date.
Her friends & family
Though a number of dating gurus advise men against asking their date about her family and friends, it actually works quite well in the Indian scenario. Most girls will happily chatter on for hours about how their little brothers and sisters are a complete nuisance or how strict those dads are. All you would need to do is smile, nod and look interested.
TV shows
Given a chance we would all turn into couch potatoes, and since you can safely assume that you date is reasonably interested in TV, ask her about her favourite shows. Since reality TV is replacing sitcoms and Saas-Bahu stuff, make jokes about how ten fat asses were encouraged to sweat out and lose weight and the biggest looser actually walked away with fifty lakhs. Make it interesting but don't talk as if TV is the centre of your existence.
Current events
If your girl seems to be the intellectual type you can dazzle her with your knowledge about what’s happening around the globe. But keep the discussions light and friendly. If she has strong opinions about  something hear her out, and don’t switch over to the debating mode. If, however, your life seems to revolve around work, sports and porn, be sure to read a lot of women’s magazines before going for the date.
What she likes in men
This is a golden opportunity of finding out about the kind of men she likes to be with. Does she prefer security or adventure? Does she fall for the boy- next- door type or gets turned on by tall muscular hunks with six packs.
Future plans
She'll love to have you ask her future plans, her goals and aspirations. Ask her about her career plans, where she'd like to live, who she'd like to emulate, and how she plans on making it all happen.
Vacation and holiday destinations
We all love the idea of travelling and visiting those exotic locations. Experiencing a different place, trying out new cuisines, shopping for knickknacks and partying out all night – sharing vacation experiences truly makes for great conversation. It’s a virtual goldmine if you want to get talking or enthral her with your adventures.
Past dates
It would actually be best to avoid saying
anything about past relationships and girlfriends or asking her about her previous boyfriends. However, sharing ) funny date stories can easily fill up a couple of hours if you are a decent story
teller. If you don’t have anything to share just make up a few funny ones. Also get her to share a few of her own; this may actually give you some vital hints regarding her tastes in men.
To make your first date perfect and memorable
Be sure to keep the conversation focussed on her. Let it flow naturally, and you just might have the most memorable first date in history.

Never Say These Things To A Woman

Relationships are tricky, because they have unwritten rules that nobody discusses but everyone is expected to know of. Truth be told, all the rules in dating are unwritten, but there are certain rules that are so obvious they need not be explained. Sadly however, we’re here to break down 5 of those rules because some guys are just plain ignorant. Here are things that you should never say to a woman unless you want to deal with a scorned woman.
1) You Look Like…
No. Stop. Don’t even complete that sentence. Don’t ever make the fatal mistake of comparing her with someone else. Chances are you would compare her to someone who she completely despises. Let her be the only referral point of your attraction scale. At least out loud, if you tend to think otherwise.
2) You Look Fine
What’s worse than saying you look like (insert any random hot girl)? It’s saying you look fine. Fine? What the hell does that even mean? Telling a woman she looks fine is like telling her she’s sweet or she’s nice. The dessert that you ate last night was sweet too. Oh, and the grocery store guy is also nice because he gives you free candies. Please do us a favour and never use this sentence ever.
3) You Sound Like My Mother
The only time using this is kind of alright is when you’re hundred percent confident she likes your mother or if you’re just good heartedly giving her a hard time. But even then this is something which will be used against you in a legitimate argument later. So, just scrap any talks of mothers, yours or hers both.
4) Don’t Get So Excited About (Insert hot male celebrity here)
If we love a celebrity, I mean really love a celebrity then just looking at his picture won’t cut in. There is a compulsive need to know everything about him, find every last bit of trivia, videos, interviews while simultaneously discussing about him to everyone we know. And it’s not a choice. We need to, have to do this, so stop asking us to calm down.
5) How Many Men Have You Been With?
Just as she would never ask you about the number of women you’ve been with, you should never ask her about the number of men she has dated or slept with. Why? Because the number doesn't matter, there is nothing to be gained from that knowledge. However, there is a lot to lose, which includes her interest in you too.

Reasons Why Women Fall Out of Love

While women might be stonehearted warriors for the world, when it comes to love they act like mewling kittens. If they don’t get the requisite love and security with their partner, it is potent for them to lose the spark and eventually fall out of it.
1. The Honeymoon is Over
Ask any woman in a relationship and she will tell you with fond remembrance that the initial courtship period was the most exciting period of her relationship. The emotions were new, the sensations were exciting and the world seemed to be coloured in a rainbow palette. A year into the relationship, this so-called honeymoon period expires as couples fall into the familiarity pattern. Women start being taken for granted, and the heat of pursuit stagnates to frigidity, leaving her stifled in the monotony of the relationship.
2. Lack of Appreciation
While a woman might not seek validation from external sources, she reserves a special place for her partner. The amount of attention showered on her at the initial stages makes her feel like a princess, but as the novelty fades away, the princess turns into a common household frog with doleful eyes, seeking the same familiarity as before. Women need to feel the same amount of passion at all times, since their sense of personal security depends on it. When the attention slides, they feel under appreciated and begin questioning their place in the relationship.
3. Lack of Spontaneity
The reason why every woman compares her ‘nth’ year in a relationship with the first couple of months is because the initial courtship period sets standards so high, that it becomes hard for men to match up to them. The spontaneous longings and desires fizzle out for men, who begin treating the bond as habitual routine. This makes women begrudgingly fall into monotony. While men feel content watching games on the couches, women silently slink around in corners, regretting ever letting the relationship get this far.
4. Emotional Disconnect
While men are easily contented with merely having their partners around, even if they don’t find much time to communicate with them, women feel stifled with lack of communication. It is increasingly important to let your partner know how she makes you feel, for her to feel worthy enough to stay. This lack of communication is one of the major reasons why relationships falter after the initial days of romance are over. Women arefragile, when it comes to love and they only vest their feelings in hopes that their partner will be able to shield them from sorrows. When it is the very shield that gradually dissolves, she is left with noother option but to end the relationship and move on.

5 Lies Your Doctor Tells You

When it comes to believing what doctors tell us, most of us don't even check the credentials before considering them as our ultimate saviors. The worst part is: we trust bad advice too. Mostly, they might be giving us correct information, but chances are high that at times, they swear by outdated beliefs. Check out for these five things that your doc says, which you often end up believing blindly.
Red Meat & Cheese Up Your Cholesterol
Don't depend on your "family doctor" to give you nutrition advice too. Chances are, he has never known the goodness of meat and considers anything cheese-like to be fattening. The idea is to know what quantity is good (or bad) for you. Giving up eating red meat and cheese won't do any good to your cholesterol levels. See a nutritionist or a dietician and get the real picture.
Saying You Have A Deadly Disease
There are only very few doctors who can differentiate between a kinnow and an orange exactly. Well, similarly when your GP claims you might be suffering from a certain fatal disease, question him twice. Studies have proven that nearly half of the doctors diagnose wrong at least once or twice in a month. Not that you should overwrite your doc's diagnosis completely, but getting a second opinion never harmed anyone.
Checking The Symptoms Online Is Stupid
In this day and age, would you really believe someone who says Internet is stupid? A lot of physicians believe that online diagnoses can prove to be causing a lot of misunderstanding and misinformation, and hence, might suggest you against it. As long as you are reading from proper sources and not some amateur blog, you are god to go. It is rather helpful to go informed to your doctor.
That Lump May Be Actually Nothing
Well, the moment you hear words such as lump, patch on the X-Ray or a mole, do not think of letting them be. They can very well be the code word for cancer and might turn out something malignant. Ask your doctor to get it checked even if he is sure of it being nothing to worry about. If need be, change your doctor.
These Tests Are Very Essential
Are they? Ask him the exact reason as to why you should get all those tests done. Precautionary tests are good, but most times, they are avoidable. Lab tests are not only expensive and time-consuming, but they are also unnerving for the patient. As long as it is some usual blood test, it is fine. According to research, thousands of men are made to undergo needless biopsies every year.

Surprising Ways to Prevent Cancer

The six lettered word ‘cancer’ often sends a chill down everyone’s spines. People are scared of this disease as it doesn’t have a definitive cure. Cancer harms the body when damaged cells divide uncontrollably to form lumps or masses of tissue called tumors. Tumors can grow and interfere with the digestive, nervous and circulatory systems and they can release hormones that alter body function. It is better to try and prevent this disease by making a few simple changes in our day-to-day lives. Try these novel strategies and your risk of cancer could dwindle even more.
Eight Glass Rule
Drinking plenty of water and other liquids may reduce the risk of bladder cancer by diluting the concentration of cancer-causing agents in urine and helping to flush them through the bladder faster. People with low fluid intake (less than 2.4 liters per day) are more likely to develop urinary tract cancers (including prostate, bladder, kidney, and testicular cancer) than those who are better hydrated. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day to lead a happy and cancer-free life.
Add Garlic To Your Food
Garlic will not only add taste and flavor to your food but also reduce the risk of cancer. Protective effects from garlic may arise from its antibacterial properties or from its ability to block the formation of cancer-causing substances, halt the activation of cancer-causing substances, enhance DNA repair, reduce cell proliferation, or induce cell death. Studies suggest that garlic can reduce stomach cancer by as much as a factor of 12.
Limit Cell Phone Usage
Use cell phones with an earpiece and
speakerphone so the phone itself is not held up against your head and the radio frequency energy it emits stays away from your head. It should be used only for short calls or texts. The point is more to preempt any risk than to protect against a proven danger. If you get pain in your head on a daily basis, if you use your phone on a daily basis — your risk of brain cancer is escalating day by day. Once you get a brain cancer diagnosis, you will wish you had taken some precautions for protection. So, don’t delay and limit your cell phone usage from now itself.
Choose Your Outdoor Outfit Wisely
Certain colors like blue and red offer significantly better protection against the sun's ultraviolet rays than white and yellow ones. Thus, choosing the right outfit may help protect you against skin cancer. Long-sleeved shirts and long pants, dark colors and tightly woven fabric protect the skin from ultraviolet rays. Don't forget to put on a hat as it protects areas often exposed to intense sun, such as the ears, eyes, forehead, nose, and scalp. Though tumor can appear anywhere on the body, it's more common in areas the sun hits.
Coat Barbecue Food With A Thick Sauce
The blackened areas on charred and grilled flesh foods (meat, poultry and fish) are a source of carcinogenic chemicals. These chemical directly damage DNA, our genetic material, and initiate mutations that can lead to the development of cancer. But coating the meat with a thick marinade and thereby preventing direct contact with the charring flames reduces the amount of such chemicals created. Antioxidant herbs like rosemary and sage should be used as flavorings for your food prior to grilling as they add a punch of zest and aroma and reduce the cancer causing substances. You can also precook your meat inthe oven and then throw it on the grill to reduce the risk of cancer. Imbibing these small and simple preventive strategies in your daily lifestyle will help you stay away from the evil of cancer and lead a happy life. After all, prevention is better than cure.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Signs She is Flirting With You

The subtle signs a girl shows when she tries to flirt with you may get hard to recognize. I am sure you would love to have a girl flirt with you, but chances are that quite a few may have already done it and have given up when they are:

She keeps glancing at you
Does she always look at you the second your head (inadvertently) turns towards her, and then averts her gaze when you catch her staring? Well she might be shy and may take some prompting but this one is definitely a catch. So just go up to her, introduce yourself, and get her talking.

She smiles at you
The smile is often the biggest sign of openness and friendliness, provided it is genuine. If there’s a sparkle in her eyes and she shows her teeth then you can safely deduce that she is really enjoying your company.

She plays with her hair
Those gorgeous locks are a woman’s chief source of power and confidence. So if you see her twirling her finger through her hair or shifting it from side to side or throwing it around, like in a shampoo commercial, then beware there is potential flirt trying to entrance you with her beauty.

She initiates the conversation
If she takes the first step to start a conversation then it’s a pretty obvious sign that she’s into you. During the conversation, if she asks you questions whose answers will lead you to share details of your love life then you can be sure that she has a purpose. So respond in kind. Make your answers flirtatious and make it obvious that you are willing to play the game.

She laughs at your jokes
Does she make it a point to bare her teeth even at your feeblest attempts at humour? A major part of flirting is about reacting favourably to the partner. So if she acts as if she’s captivated by your words, you have definitely scored a sixer. Other obvious reactions that convey approval and interest include asking "really?", "wow" and opening her mouth in a big O in amused disbelief.

She asks if you like doing certain things
If she asks you about your hobbies or if you enjoy doing certain something during your pastime, then she is probably trying to ask you out without spelling it out for you. If the activity in question has to do with venturing out of the house like going dancing, movies or dinner, then it is almost certain.

She makes sexual innuendoes
Some women enjoy getting themselves in that mood by talking about things that will get them in that sexual/romantic mood. So if she steers the conversation to topics that are sexy, you too should be prepared to overtly flirt your sexual/romantic side by mentioning a few feminine qualities that turn you on. Just mention the ones that she feels she has. Like, if she has long hair make it a point to mention that you like women with long hair. Get the point!

She actually touches you
When the girl in question is properly encouraged she can definitely be pushed to break the touch barrier which is a sure shot sign that she’s really interested. No its not just ideal flirting. It can be as obvious as touching your arm or knee while making a point, or subtly grazing her arms against yours while walking. Just keep a count of how many times and how frequently she does it. But don’t respond till its not as obvious as slipping her fingers into yours. There’s always a chance that some of these above signals could just be gestures of friendliness on a woman's part. So to be absolutely sure you should count at least four signs before you can safely allow yourself to conclude that she’s indeed flirting with you. If there’s any more then you are gonna be pretty busy during the weekends.

Be Better Than The Other Guy

Have you ever considered the possibility that when you meet an attractive woman, chances of her being followed by several other potential suitors is very high? She may also have a steady boyfriend as attractive women are rarely ever single. Most men are well aware of this fact and this gets in the way of them making their moves. To get her attention you have to be different from all your competitors. The best way of doing this is to differentiate yourself from "the pack” and get her to chase you. To be different, you have to develop yourself -- inside and out -- so you can offer her the unique experience of being with a man who is better than all other guys she has been with. So here are some great tips to help you create that magical experience for her.

believe that you deserve better
The fact is that when it comes to beautiful women most men simply refuse to believe that they actually deserve success. This in turn affects their confidence. Unless you believe, you can’t act with conviction. Confidence is something that can’t be feigned and women can sense a FAKE from a mile. So if you believe that you don’t deserve to enjoy the company of attractive women, you are actually psyching yourself to all the wrong things and sabotaging your chances.
What you can do
Foster the belief that any woman should thank her stars to have got her hands on a guy like you. Try writing at least three reasons why you believe this is true. Keep adding something to the list everyday and watch it grow. As the number of your accomplishments increase, so will your confidence.

work on your insecurities
To attract beautiful women you have to tide over all those deep seated insecurities that you have so lovingly nurtured during your hither to unsuccessful dating career. Don’t try to cover them up. Because the more you try, the more obvious they will appear to women. It’s quite like seeing a
woman wearing too much makeup to cover the acne on her face. The harder she tries to conceal them the more they hit the eye.
what you can do
Instead of hiding your insecurities feature them till they stop bothering you. An excellent way of doing this is to use them to in your jokes when you flirt with women.If you are insecure about your hair loss say something like “This is never going to work out. You just keep looking at my gorgeous head. How would you feel if I kept staring at your gorgeous legs?”

take charge
Like every other guy, you too must have given up innumerable chances of starting a conversation with a woman you found attractive because you didn’t want to interrupt or bother her even when it seemed that she was open to being approached. You gawked at her or kept glancing at her and looked away when she caught youreye. Most men are unconsciously seeking PERMISSION to do every little thing. It’s like you haven’t yet got out of the “May I come in, ma’am” syndrome. Asking for permission has been drilled into the psyche of Indian men. So if the girls nod or give you a smile (which they often don’t), you walk towards them tentatively and mumble something to them, with a sickly smile on your face.
what you can do
Stop asking for permission. Visit places like malls and parties and start conversations with girls at random. It’s really not that difficult. A man with the freedom to take action when and where he wants is rare -- and women find this kind of "bold" guy VERY attractive.

be a man
All women want to share their lives with a real man. So how does a woman know when she's in the presence of one? Well, a real man knows how to stay comfortable and confident around beautiful women. In addition, he’s also very relaxed around powerful, high-status people, like his boss. He is not intimidated by competition from other men and actually welcomes them.
what you can do
Try and work on your cool quotient. A very simple way of doing this is to develop that nothing- to lose attitude Don’t get intimidated by high-profile people. Be respectful but not subservient. If there is anything that you disagree with voice your opinion. This will go a long way in helping in bringing out the man in you. By incorporating all the above mentioned tips in your daily life, getting the chick of your choice will become the easiest thing in the world. As the saying goes “Change your Vision and the world will change around you.”

10 Quotes That Will Fire You Up

We’ve come to this world to achieve something. Success is a game we need to play every day of our lives. Sometimes, we might just be too lazy to chase it, and it’s for such beguiling days, that we need powerful quotes that can charge us up to go out there and kill it.

1. “There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul.” – Ella Wheeler Wilcox

2. “You’ve got brains in your head. You’ve got feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” – Dr. Seuss

3. “Don’t stop until you’re proud.” – Unknown

4. “While most are dreaming of success, winners wake-up and work hard to achieve it.” – Unknown

5. “I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions .” – Stephen Covey

6. “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” – Ralph Waldo

7. “Do what you can, where you are, with what you have.” – Teddy Roosevelt

8. “As soon as you realize that you don't need anyone to make it in life. That's your first step towards success .” – Vusi Ndlovu

9. “If your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to meet it!” – Jonathan Winters

10. “Poor people have big TV. Rich people have big library.” – Jim Rohn

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

5 Reasons why it's Awesome to be Single on Valentine's Day

So, you’ve already seen plenty of reminders on how Valentine’s Day is fast approaching. Here’s another reminder- but this of course is about how it’s awesome to be single on Valentine’s Day.

You don’t have to fake enthusiasm

The truth is that some people aren't really jazzed up about candy hearts or everything in red colour. But, if you have a significant someone, you will have to put up an act, mask your emotions, plaster a smile, woo your girl yet again and fake how Valentine’s Day is your favourite day of the year. Good for you you’re single .

There is no Valentine’s Day awkwardness

You don’t have to worry about whether or not you should buy her a gift, get her roses or make a bold declaration of your feelings. There is no pressure about defining your relationship or taking it to the next step. You don’t have to worry about her expectations or how you aren't meeting up to them.

You won’t get dumped on Valentine’s Day

Obviously, this one is as simple as it gets. A major concern for guys on Valentine’s Day is getting dumped or rejected. No girlfriend means no drama meaning no heartbreak and tears. Isn't life a breeze?

No buying presents

All of those expected grand gestures cost money, and we really don’t live in a world of free lunches anymore. Romantic dinners, flowers, gifts, chocolates, and oh, the champagne- the list is possibly endless and so are their costs. We say count your financial blessings, save money and buy chocolates for yourself at half the rate the day after Valentine’s.

You can roll eyes at other couples

Isn’t it always good to make fun of other poor couples, a majority of whom are also faking their relationship. And the best part is they won’t even notice.

Why One-Sided Love is the Best Thing to Happen to You

So, you love a woman you know you're never going to get. You lucky man! You may feel terrible knowing that dating the girl you love is a far-fetched dream, but tell you what, it is far better than seeing the flipside. This Valentine's , we at The Day You Became Mine, celebrate one-sided love as the coolest form of the emotion ever. We hope you know how much other committed men are jealous of you. Don't believe us? Read on to know why being a one-sided lover is the best thing to happen to you.

You Save Time, Money And Effort

You don't need to buy gifts for anyone. No greeting cards on birthdays, no movie dates and no diamonds! Neither do you have the excessive pressure of planning mind blowing dates with her that she can later boast about in front of her BFFs.

You Don't Have To Meet Anybody's Expectations

You live life on your own terms. The toilet seat can stay up all its life. Nobody is going to complain if you do not call them every night before sleeping. You are never under the pressure to being the perfect boyfriend.

You Understand Love Better Than Anyone Else

You're sensitive because you've seen the difficult side of being in love. If you've been strong enough to sail through the hard times of trying to get it all together, you understand love far more maturely than any of the guys around. You're soon going to find a girl who loves you back and you're going to be the most awesome boyfriend ever.

You Have One Distraction Less

Relationships are messy and distracting, and mostly not in a good way. The reason why you've held your sanity and are succeeding the way you are is because you've saved yourself from the hassles of being in a relationship. Even though you may spend a lot of time thinking about the woman you love, you have a better chance to concentrate all your energy and time into becoming the man you've always aspired to be. And you know how women dig successful men.

You're Still Available

Falling in love is easy. Falling out of it, easier. You're single and very much open to newer options. In case you find a better woman, there is no stopping you from pursuing her, unlike your best buddy who is stuck with the girl he doesn't even love for at least some time ahead.

You're Allowed To Hook Up

You hold the liberty to hook up with any hot girl you meet without having to lie to a girlfriend. Do you understand how big a privilege that is? Most men would kill for this one benefit. You can be very much in love with one girl and in bed with a lot of others.

You Don't Get To Face A Nagging Girlfriend

No bickering, no nagging. You live a peaceful life, just the way every man desires to. You don't have to listen to a girl cribbing about how her nail got chipped, how she cannot find the perfect dress to wear and everything else.

You Don't Have To Face Fights

When you fall in love with a person, you notice all the good things in them. You should be glad you'd always be on that stage and never get to know of her annoying habits . You won't have frequent fights that spoil your day and you won't have to deal with break ups!

You Are The Most Desirable Man

Do you know what appeals to women the most? A man deeply in love. Because the world can see how much in love you are with a certain girl, you will always appear as the quintessential love to other women. You have the quality that most women hunt for in their men.

You Don't Have To Divide Your Time Between Your Friends And A Girlfriend

Do you know how difficult it is for most men to managed their friends and girlfriend's at the same time? You will never be the guy who loses touch with his friends because of a wicked girlfriend and your buddies already love you for it.

4 Things Women want in Bed but are Afraidto Ask

Fellas, it's quite important that you communicate with your partner about what she wants or needs in the bedroom, because chances are, you don't even have any clue. We hear you which is why we're here to give a sneak-peak inside her brain. Yes, the cat is out of the bag, quite literally!
1) Aggressive and Rough Sex
We are saying no-holds-barred, rough, occasional spanking, hair pulling and have-to-have-you- now-can't-wait sex. Women are often apprehensive about asking for it because we all have been socially conditioned into believing that rough sex is degrading for women. We are not saying you to go home and smack your bitch up, but a little roughing in your bedroom can work wonders for your sex life.
2) An X-Rated Sex Life
Most women want to be, for lack of a better word, a little slutty in the bedroom. She is tired of being that precious elegant lady who makes love all the time. All thanks to the popularity of fifty shades of grey and other erotic fictions, kinky is the new sexy. Their only fear is that if they behave in this manner, their men will think less of them. More importantly, they'll begin treating them the same outside the bedroom.
3) A Dominant Man Who Loves Giving Her Oral
You already know that plenty of women are keen on going down on their men, mostly because they are secretly hoping of reciprocation. They love a man who's immensely confident of where and what he is doing. They love all the kinds of dominant behavior in the bedroom. Oh and noise too! They secretly want to hear you making pleasant noises.
4) Dirty Talk
That's right, they are not asking for a cuss or two but downright nasty talk. Most women need to be mentally stimulated as well, and dirty talk helps to activate the fantasy playing out in their minds. Tame bedroom antics are a passé, be colorful in what you do and say to her while doing the deed. I'm sure we don't have to tell you what to say without being censored, put your imagination to good use.

6 Things Singles shouldn’t do on Valentine’s Day

You can rave and boast about your single status all through the year, but if there's one day this status stinks more than a l skunk, it's Valentine's Day. Don't beat yourself up, it's only natural. In fact, this is also the day most get out there and try and do something different, which always translates into regrettable. But, once  Valentine's Day passes, that different thing you did may stink worse than being single on Valentine's Day.

The Day You Became Mine tells you about six things you shouldn't do on Valentine's Day.

1. Don't Take a Dating Risk

Most singles introspect about their single status on Valentine's Day - the why, how, what if. Introspection is good, pressure introspection isn't. Just because you're single now, doesn't mean that you'll be single all your life. A few friends are likely to suggest dating someone different. But, Valentine's Day is not a day to take a dating risk. You may have been shooting in the dark up to now, but it doesn't mean you go and do something different, and certainly not on Valentine's Day.

2. Don't Dial Your Ex

Dialling your ex on any day is a bad idea. But dialling her on Valentine's Day is one of the worst things you can do. She's an ex for a reason. Your single status may allow you a lot of liberties, but it certainly doesn't come with a time machine that invites you to a blast from the past. If you find the urge to punch in those digits, we'd rather you call the fire department instead.

3. Don't Get Drunk

This is situational. If you're hanging out with your group of friends, then go ahead, put a fish to shame. However, if you're sitting alone at a bar, or worse still, at home, do not get drunk. There's no telling what that drunkenness will spiral into and I'm sure you'd rather not know.

4. Don't Wait for Last Minute Plans

Okay, so it seems like the world of lovers have crawled out of the woodwork, but they shouldn't put you off from doing something with your friends. Make plans in advance and do something terrific. It's a day, it'll pass; you might as have fun while it passes.

5. Don't Waste the Evening

If you've made friends with gloom and decide to sleep the evening off, it's time to give yourself a good kick in the pants. No evening is worth wasting away, pondering, rueing and wondering why. Get up, get out and make the most of this evening.

6. Don't Ever Pity Your Status

You're single for a reason and that's because you haven't met someone worth your while. And while Valentine's Day may raise a few questions, never ever pity yourself or your status. As clichéd and as cheesy as this sounds, you'd rather wait for the right one than spend your evening with the wrong one.